Review process

The submitted professional materials will be reviewed by two independent reviewers invited by the Scientific Program Committee. The review process is confidential, the reviewer does not know who is (are) the author(s) of the reviewed material, nor the author(s) know(s) who are the reviewers.

In the cases of thematic presentations and posters the authors, while in the case of symposia the chairs will receive the review results and justification. Only the list of accepted thematic presentations, symposia and poster presentations will be public.

The review process is the same for symposia and thematic presentations, as well as for posters. However, the review criteria are different for theoretical and empirical professional materials (as the author declares it when submitting), as well as for symposia summaries.

Theoretical work

  1. Theoretical embedding, level of details concerning theory
  2. Analytical considerations, their relevance
  3. Originality
  4. General quality, structure, style
  5. Theoretical and practical significance

Empirical work

  1. Theoretical embedding
  2. Aims, research questions, hypotheses, used methods
  3. Presentation of results, their interpretation
  4. General quality, structure, style
  5. Theoretical and practical significance

Symposium summary

  1. Aims
  2. Coherence
  3. General quality, structure, style
  4. Theoretical and practical significance

In each category, the reviewers assess the professional material with a score of 0 to 5, and they also provide a short textual feedback. If the difference between the summarized scores given by the two reviewers is 10 or bigger, the Scientific Program Committee invites a third reviewer to assess the professional material.

With the utmost consideration of the reviewers’ assessment, the final decision is made by the Scientific Program Committee on the basis of the specific limits set for theoretical and empirical works.

The decision may be: (1) accepted; (2) rejected; (3) reclassification.

In case of rejection, there is no opportunity to improve and re-submit the professional material.

Reclassification means that the symposium presentation can be included in the program as a thematic presentation, or a thematic presentation as a poster presentation. In case of reclassification, the author has the opportunity to declare ( that he/she does not intend to present the work in the suggested format. The format and deadline to do so will be communicated to the affected authors when the review results are sent.

The acceptance does not automatically coincide with the appearance of the professional material in the conference volume. This will occur only in case the participant pays the participation fee before the indicated deadline.

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